Mastering trade with WebSocket Series : Buy , Book profit and set stop loss with NoLimitNodes Data
Alright, crypto warriors!
Are you ready to conquer with a trading bot so epic it'll blow your mind? Well, hold on tight because I'm about to share the ultimate guide to building a bot that will have you riding the gains wave faster than you can say "To the moon!"
Get ready to level up your crypto game
What Do I Need To Start?
- Python Installed (Any Version Is fine - but if you're still using < 2.x, seriously why? Upgrade to 3.x+)
So What Are We Building?
We're going to build an advanced trading bot for the platform that leverages WebSocket technology to automate cryptocurrency trading. The bot will monitor new coins and market transactions in real-time, allowing it to execute buy and sell orders based on predefined conditions. With features like notifications for optimal buying and selling points, as well as smart stop-loss mechanisms, this bot aims to maximize profits while minimizing risks. By the end of the guide, you'll have a powerful tool at your disposal that can help you navigate the fast-paced world of crypto trading with confidence!
Registering An Account
Head over to and click on Start Building to get an account.
Once you have registered, a token will be generated by default, or you can generate one more by clicking on the Get button to get your free API key.
Click copy and take a note of your API key. You will need it for the rest of this tutorial.
Understanding the Structure
Before we get started, let’s walk through how the WebSocket API requests and responses look.
First, we’ll begin by establishing a WebSocket connection using:wss://
Once the socket connection is open, we’ll send this request:
"method": "pumpFunCreateEventSubscribe",
"params": {
"eventType": "coin",
"referenceId": "litrally-anything-here-to-use-as-reference"
After sending this request, we should receive a confirmation that the subscription was successful, like this:
"status": "Create Event Subscribed",
"subscription_id": "9c37a3e8-d39b-497c-902d-162e19a0bcda",
"reference_id": "litrally-anything-here-to-use-as-reference"
Once confirmed, we’ll continuously receive real-time streams of coins as they are created. The coin creation events come in this format:
"method": "createEventNotification",
"result": {
"metadata": {
"network": "solana",
"chain": "mainnet-beta",
"block": "308709941"
"timestamp": "1734713628",
"name": "TRUMPCOIN",
"symbol": "TRUMPCOIN",
"uri": "",
"mint": "CWVtv9SQMVibEqzFBLy5FZdLhozzZzRDBbX9HGnypump",
"bondingCurve": "HZzaNo92zpqqyTb3pBr5P9fAJ7GT9xnSAxygWLbgUV7X",
"associatedBondingCurve": "BnNAk9AtBvQS3vmv9UpkEoAqPAC96PMUig9HtMdJescU",
"creator_wallet": {
"address": "91U3uKcD2EuC7eW8bbBtC7ftwrNpmgGmJQFpgBZbaBAB"
"event_type": "create_coin"
"subscription_id": "litrally-anything-here-to-use-as-reference"
Similarly, the WebSocket connection is established for transactions. We’ll establish a connection with:wss://
Once the socket connection is open, we’ll send this request to subscribe to trade transactions for a specific coin:
"method": "pumpFunTradeSubscribe",
"params": {
"coinAddress": "abcxxx...pump",
"referenceId": "REF#1"
To subscribe to all coins, we’ll send this request:
"method": "pumpFunTradeSubscribe",
"params": {
"coinAddress": "all",
"referenceId": "REF#1"
Note: The referenceId
is simply a string value used to correlate requests with their corresponding responses.
After sending this in, we should receive a confirmation that the subscription request is successful, like this:
"status": "Trade Subscribed",
"subscription_id": "9d4a3756-f3de-464d-ae05-c36297984f90",
"reference_id": "REF#1"
Once confirmed, we’ll continuously receive real-time streams of transactions. The tradeEventNotification events come in this format:
"method": "tradeEventNotification",
"result": {
"metadata": {
"network": "solana",
"chain": "mainnet-beta",
"block": "308693304"
"timestamp": 1734706766,
"type": "Buy",
"price": { "sol": "0.0000000780" },
"token_in": {
"token": "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112",
"amount": 21340983
"token_out": {
"token": "4HTXweoVWfRdXTpvrWCctdED6KUi7Ah1aGq76ubMpump",
"amount": 273799880742
"wallet": {
"address": "BNArZsgokea5BxYzhzB9BKqhz7C54fYWkL7CPSPCMP8X"
"subscription_id": "9d4a3756-f3de-464d-ae05-c36297984f90"
Let's Get Codin'
Fire up your favourite ide (I use PyCharm). Create a new script called
First up, we're importing the libraries that'll give our bot superpowers:
import websocket
import json
import threading
Now, let's set some juicy variables that'll make our bot drool for those sweet, sweet profits:
## Variables
buyPrice = float(0.0000001000) # When we pounce on that crypto goodness
takeProfitPrice = float(0.0000001500) # Cha-ching! Time to cash out
stopLossPrice = float(0.0000000800) # Oops, time to bail!
url1 = "wss://"
Next up, we're telling the server exactly what we want. It's like ordering at a drive-thru, but instead of burgers, we're getting hot, fresh crypto data:
# Subscription messages
subscribe_new_coin = {
"method": "pumpFunCreateEventSubscribe",
"params": {
"eventType": "coin",
"referenceId": "hello" # your unique reference id
subscribe_pump_fun_trade = {
"method": "pumpFunTradeSubscribe",
"params": {
"referenceId": "hello", # your unique reference id
"coinAddress": "all"
Now, let's set up some smart storage for our potential goldmines:
## Dictionaries to store data
buyDict = {} # Key: mint address, Value: coin details
sellDict = {} # Key: mint address, Value: coin details
Time for the real magic! These functions are gonna make your bot smarter than a whole room full of crypto analysts:
def on_message_new_coin(ws, message):
global buyDict
data = json.loads(message)
if data.get("method") == "createEventNotification":
coin_details = data["result"]
coin_mint = coin_details["mint"]
coin_name = coin_details["name"]
coin_symbol = coin_details["symbol"]
# Add coin to buyDict if it's not already there
if coin_mint not in buyDict:
buyDict[coin_mint] = {
"name": coin_name,
"symbol": coin_symbol,
"details": coin_details
def on_message_transaction(ws, message):
global buyDict, sellDict
data = json.loads(message)
if data.get("method") == "tradeEventNotification":
trade_details = data["result"]
trade_token_out = trade_details["token_out"]["token"]
trade_price = float(trade_details["price"]["sol"])
# Handle buy condition
if ((trade_token_out in buyDict) and (trade_price >= buyPrice) and (trade_price < takeProfitPrice)):
coin = buyDict.pop(trade_token_out)
sellDict[trade_token_out] = coin
# print(f"sellDict {sellDict}");
print(f"BUY - Condition met : [{coin['symbol']}] at price [{trade_price:.10f}] (Address: {trade_token_out})")
# Handle sell conditions
if trade_token_out in sellDict:
coin = sellDict[trade_token_out]
# if trade_price > takeProfitPrice or trade_price < stopLossPrice:
if buyPrice <= trade_price < takeProfitPrice:
print(f"SELL - Target Achieved : [{coin['symbol']}] at TakeProfit Price [{trade_price:.10f}] (Address: {trade_token_out})")
del sellDict[trade_token_out]
elif trade_price < stopLossPrice:
print(f"SELL - Stop loss triggered: [{coin['symbol']}] at StopLoss Price [{trade_price:.10f}] (Address: {trade_token_out})")
del sellDict[trade_token_out]
del sellDict[trade_token_out]
def on_error(ws, error):
print(f"Error: {error}")
def on_close(ws, close_status_code, close_msg):
print("WebSocket closed")
def on_open_new_coin(ws):
print("New coin webSocket connection opened")
print(f"Subscription message sent (WS1): {subscribe_new_coin}")
def on_open_transcation(ws):
print("Transaction webSocket connection opened")
print(f"Subscription message sent (WS2): {subscribe_pump_fun_trade}")
Now, let's create a function that'll run our WebSocket connections like a boss:
## Function to create and run a WebSocket connection
def run_websocket(url, on_open, on_message):
ws = websocket.WebSocketApp(
ws.on_open = on_open
Finally, we're gonna use some threading magic to run multiple WebSockets at once. It's like having a whole team of crypto ninjas working for you 24/7:
## Run both WebSockets in parallel using threading
thread_new_coin = threading.Thread(target=run_websocket, args=(url1, on_open_new_coin, on_message_new_coin))
thread_transaction = threading.Thread(target=run_websocket, args=(url1, on_open_transcation, on_message_transaction))
Wrapping It Up
And there you have it, crypto commandos! You've just built a trading bot that's going to make you the talk of the town. This bad boy will sniff out new coins, buy them at your designated buy price, and sell them when your take-profit or stop-loss conditions are met.With this bot by your side, you'll be:
- Catching new coins like a pro
- Buying low and selling high on autopilot
- Protecting your gains with smart take-profit and stop-loss strategies
- Laughing all the way to the bank
Remember, with great power comes great responsibility (and potentially great profits ). Use this bot wisely, and may the crypto gods smile upon your trades!
Now go forth and conquer the world! And hey, when you're sipping cocktails on your private yacht, don't forget who showed you the way to crypto glory!
What's Next?
Now that you've got the basics down, it's time to dive deeper into advanced strategies—learn how to implement trailing stop-loss to protect your profits and maximize gains! click here
Interested in exploring more of the APIs? Head over to for more details.
If you need assistance or have any crypto-related questions, don't hesitate to contact me. You can email me at, and I'll get back to you, usually within a day.